Crafting a Digital Print Workshop Bookings

A short video about our ‘flipped-classroom’ workshops – Les Walkling – Broadcast Studio 2024.

Our Workshops are presented via Streamed On-Demand delivery and subsequently supported through free weekly Tutorials Live Streamed via ZOOM for our email subscribers (or later on watched on our YouTube Channel) where we go over and clarify the workshop’s content, and answer your questions. The cost is AUS $330 and includes all fees and charges.



  • This takes you to the workshop’s first Session Recording.
  • Click on the play button and then click on the BUY NOW icon.
  • If you have a PayPal™ account, simply enter your email address and password on the next screen.
  • If you don’t have a PayPal™ account, you can pay with your credit/debit card.
  • After the payment is made, you will be able to continue watching this Session.
  • If you experience any issues, check your PayPal™ email address.
  • For EFT payments please contact us directly.

Once payment is received, you gain instant access to our extensive Workshop Resources (course notes & videos, images, test images, targets, actions, macros, & 3DLUTs) which can be downloaded and saved for offline viewing without any time restrictions, while our HD Workshop Recordings of the six workshop sessions are accessed via your Password and can be streamed multiple times also without any time restrictions for an initial combined total of eighteen session views – but if you happen to run out of views we can generate a new Password for you.

The recordings can be watched on different devices, but not simultaneously on more than one device at the same time.

The course content is then gone over and clarified, and all your questions answered by attending our free weekly Tutorials Live Steamed via ZOOM.

And if you have any questions or enquiries, please don’t hesitate to contact us: