Last updated 14 February 2025

Consultations are a chance to individually cover content, processes, knowledge and outcomes that because of their personal focus or specialist nature are often best addressed individually rather than in our studio workshops. A consultation might focus on a single issue, or canvas a broad and diverse range of questions, and tend to cover the content in much greater depth, and in a more focused and rigorous manner than is often otherwise possible.


Provide an exceptional opportunity to work closely with us refining specific areas of your artistic production, creative scholarship, business strategy, or teaching and learning pedagogy.


Are devoted to the ongoing and critical support of an individual’s professional, personal and creative development.

Our consultations occur in response to someone contacting us seeking specialist assistance, guidance, knowledge, support or mentoring. The scheduling depends on their time zone and other commitments, but can take place at any time because we recognise that sometimes answers can’t wait.

The duration of a consultation can be from a single one-off session devoted to a specific topic on a ‘need to know’ basis, to mentoring sessions regularly timetabled or spread over weeks, months or years.

We use ZOOM video conferencing software to link your working environment with our multi-camera broadcast studio, and if needed for remote access, along with smart phone or tablet roving webcams and our DropBox File Request folders for the uploading and downloading of image files, measurement data, and other documents.

The cost of a private consultation is AUS $220/hr (includes all fees and charges) and is charged by the 1/4 hour. Typical consultations vary between one to two hours, but are capped at a maximum cost of AUS $350 to ensure what needs to be covered is adequately addressed without the ‘time taken’ getting in the way.

Why work with us?
Supporting other artists and their creative endeavours is something I undertake with the utmost professionalism and dedication. My first University appointment was in 1983 as a lecturer in drawing, and subsequently in fine art photography and media arts history and theory. I am the former Program Director of Media Arts at RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia (1993-2005), and a Senior Research Fellow in the School of Art (2006-2010) where I supervised over fifty MA and PhD research candidates to successful and timely completions. I still teach into RMIT’s Master of Photography program and continue to regularly consult with State and Federal government cultural institutions such as the National Gallery of Australia, the National Gallery of Victoria, the National Library of Australia, etc. (please see my History page for more details). I’m an Australia Council for the Arts and Australian Research Council multiple grants recipient, and serve on Local Government Arts and Culture Boards of Management and Advisory Groups. I have also run a collaborative commercial research and production studio for over three decades, working with many of Australia’s finest artists, scholars and educators. I therefore have not only the necessary experience, sensitivity and commitment, but also provide an extensive intellectual, exhibition, publication, production, governance and business network in support of your aims and objectives.  

Please contact us if you have any questions or wish to organise a consultation.

Dr Les Walkling
Phone: +614 38 59 00 93